Is your gout out of control? Join us for a virtual event featuring a gout specialist and someone impacted by out-of-control gout.
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“I pretty much just got used to the pain. It took a toll on your mind.”
“When I first found out that I was being referred to a nephrologist, I didn't really make a connection between gout and chronic kidney disease until she explained it to me. It was a bit of a shock.”
“I had been dealing with this for such a long time that I didn’t know what good felt like.”
“I feel there are probably a lot more people out there that have the condition and they don’t know. I don’t want anybody else to live with it if they don’t have to. Everyone should take charge of their own lives.”
“When it comes to someone in the beginning stages of gout, they have got to find the right doctor.”
“You think you know what pain is until you live with it constantly.”
“I wish I’d paid better attention to my health earlier. I look at life as a journey. Maybe things were supposed to happen that way for me.”
“If people are experiencing problems and they’re not getting the results, talk to a rheumatologist—this really helped me.”
“That first experience taught me how painful it can be, how much it impacts your ability to do work, and actually just to walk and just to think.”
“It’s remarkable that I’m sitting here doing this, because never did I dream I would get this far again.”